
Friday 2 October 2015

Never forget me

I hope you you are well, so recently my best friend moved to the other side of the world. 

As soon as I found out she was moving I burst into tears. I balled like a baby and time went so quickly until the day I had to say good bye. Then it really hit me, that I may never see her ever again. We went out for a good bye meal and had such a great send off.
But then I remembered all the amazing times we have had together, all the laughter and private jokes. I am always worried that she will forget me but one thing is for sure, I will never forget her. 

She has been gone for 2 months now and everything is going good. The time difference doesn't help too much, 12 hours. But we are making it work so if a friend of yours moves away, have faith and stay string because things will be okay. 

Have an amazing day, see you soon. 

Wednesday 30 September 2015

why i walk

Hey, how are you doing?
I'm really sorry i  haven't blogged  in  aaaages but i have been super busy, however  i am trying to get back into this and posting more regularly. So recently i  have   been doing lots   of waling in the evenings  and this  is why.

I have   been  doing this as a distress and to  get  away from everything like  family  and internet. It is such a nice time too have   some time alone and  just  think  about things. I have been doing this with my  music blasting out of  my  head phones, especially 'We don't have  to take  our  clothes off'  by Ella  Eyre.

The  other reason is an  obvious  one  because it is a great way to get a bit of gentle exercise after a long day of school  or work or whatever yo have. And by having a  bit of  exercise it makes you sleep better.

Not forgetting it is a great way to get some sunset snaps. I really hope you enjoyed this post and have an amazing day, byeeeee.

Monday 3 August 2015

New puppy!

Hello gorgeous, how are you today?
So i am soooo excited a couple of weeks  ago i went t visit this tiny bundle of joy called Molly. She is a golden lab and has grown so much since i first saw her but she is still absolutely adorable. We have been dog sitting her for  a while and i thought i would share some photos of the first day i met her with you guys.

The last one is of my sister if you were wandering. Thank you so much for reading i hope this pictures made you smile and i hope you have a great day.  Have a good one!

Sunday 26 July 2015

Summer pros and cons

Hey, how are you today?
So good things and bad things about summer. What do you want first the good news or the bad news? If you said good then tough luck cause imma give you the bad first. Plus I really wanted to have a little rant. 

Firstly, I like heat but in summer it can sometimes just be too hot. If you wonna do anything like go for a walk or run and actually get fit you can't because you will be drowning in your own sweat 5 minutes into it. And by the end of it everyone else will be drowning in your sweat too, then it becomes a health hazard. Just don't go running you say? Then how am I meant to get a summer body? It's a hard life. 

Also I hate the fact that summer in the UK is not even like a summer. 6 out of the 7 weeks of my summer holidays are raining. So you cannot plan anything because the weather is so bloody unpredictable. And most days it's changes it's mind several times just like a girl changing clothes. And as a result of the constant changing weather I have to change clothes even more. 

I hate that in the evening it is really light which makes me stay up later and get less sleep meaning I am more of a zombie. But this also means in the evenings there a crap loads of migis. They are so annoying and ruin so many summer evenings. 

Finally, one of the most annoying things for me is that every time I walk out of the door I burn into a little red tomato. And most of the time this little tomato starts peeling too. It's a complete pain in both scenes of the word. 

On the other hand, I love summer because there is little or no school at all. No more needed to be said on that just freedom. 

I really like summer fashion even though I am as pale as paper I still try to get a tan and rock those outfits. One of my favourite colours to wear is white and it's a perfect summer colour and also make ghosts like me look a little more tanned. 

It's an amazing time to create memories with friends and family, some of my best times are in summer. Maybe even have a summer romance if you are lucky. I love the way that you can just wake up and doing anything, there are no rule (basically) you can make whatever you want out of your day. I also have a lot more motivation in the summer to get out of bed and actually do things. 

Thankyou so much for reading, sorry for the huge  rant i just neede to get it out of my system, I hope to see you soon! 

Sunday 28 June 2015

George Ezra Concert (best night of my life)

Hello gorgeous, thanks for stopping by!
I can't put into words how AMAZING this was, but scene as this is a blog post i am going to have to. I am talking about George Ezra in concert! If you do not kknow who he is then have you been living under a rock? because he is so big at the moment especially in the UK. And i can really see why.

It isn't just the fact that i saw him performing live that excited me it was center stage, front row! Can it get any better? Yes, yes it can because i was with some of my best friends singing having a fun time (as you do at concerts). Next thing  i knew he was looking at me so i smiled and guess what, he smiled at my smile! I completely fan girled, even my friend standing next to me saw it so it must have been true (not just my imagination).

When on stage he told us a little story, he said he came down to cornwall (where i live) on holiday and was in a little local pub in which a band called Me and the evil were playing. Not a big band in the slightest, just a group of old men (not meaning to offend them but that is what they were). They played really nice original and covers of blues songs, George really liked them so he asked them to be his support act. I thought that was really sweet and humble of him. Surprisingly i really liked them.

George Ezra is an amazing performer and i really recommend you go see him if you ever get a chance! If you have never heard of him or any of his songs then again where have you been? and i will link some below.  It might not sound like your type of music to begin with but listen to the whole sing and more than one because they are all very different in my opinion.

Budapest -  (my fave upbeat)
Over the creek -  (my fave slow)

(You can see him looking at me in this video!)
Thank you again for reading,  i hope you have an awesome day, see you soon!

Tuesday 16 June 2015

40 beauty questions tag

Hello there, hope you are doing well!
I haven't done a tag post before and i absolutely love that sort of thing and so i thought i would give it a shot. I saw  my good friend Emily does this so creds to her. I hope you enjoy!

How many times do you wash your face daily?
I try to go for twice, ones in the morning and again in  the evening. However it doesn't  always work out like that.

What skin type do you have? (dry, oily or combination)
I have oily skin and it is a constant problem to me and most of the time i end up looking as shiny as a disco ball..

What is your current facial wash?
It is by Garnier and makes my face feel super fresh and  is perfect to wake you up in the  mornings.

Do you exfoliate?
Every 2 or 3 days usually.

What brand do you use?

What moisturiser do you use? 
It constantly changes but usually Liz Earl or Boots on at  the  moment depending on what my skin is doing.

Do you have freckles?
Yes, i have more spots than a cheetah, especially in summer.

Do you use eye cream?
I do  but not everyday, as i am lazy.

Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
No i don't, however as i have oily skin a spot or two likes to pop up now and again.

Did you ever use ProActiv?
No idea what that is so no.

What foundation do you use?
At the moment i am switching between my:
 Benefit - Hello flawless oxygen wow 
Rimmel - Stay flawless 
Rimmel - Wake me up

How about concealer?
Collection lasting perfection concealer mixed with Maybelline age  rewind (what a great combo).

Do you know your undertone colour?
 I think its pinky rather than yellowy. (cool)

What do you think of fake eyelashes?
They can look stunning on a night out. On the other hand, i rarely wear them as i am rubbish at applying them.

Did you know that you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
I do know that, but i live the rebel life style and don't always don't stick to the  rules.

What brand of mascara do you use?
At the moment i am using MAC something  or  other, but i prefer Benefit They're real but that is waaaay past the 3 month point.

Sephora or Mac?
Sephora is american. so i can't get my  hands on any of  that goodness, but i am going there very soon so cant wait to try that! Consequently, MAC is my favourite i particularly love their lipstick in 'Patisserie'. 

Do you have a MAC Pro-Card?
I wish!

What make-up tools do you use in make-up application?
Brushes like benefit and real techniques, also a beauty blender.

Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
Yes such as benefit stay don't stray and Lorac.

For the face?
Mainly Benefit pore-fessionals.

What is your favourite eye shadow? (Colour or Shade)
I change it up  so  bloomin much who  knows?

Do you use pencil or liquid eye-liner?
For school and natural looks i use brown pencil on the lash line, for specials days or nights out i used liquid.

How often do you poke your eyes with an eye liner pencil?
When im doing my water line, too many times.

What do you think of pigment eye shadows?
Nothing but love for them.

Do you use mineral make-up? 
My bare minerals  foundation.

What is your favourite lipstick?
MAC - Patisserie! No explanation needed. 

How about lip gloss? 
Revlon Colourburst in sunset peach, it's stunning. Or soap and glory sexy  mother pucker in "Nudist" it   is drop dead gorgeous.

What is your favourite blush?
Sleek - Rose Gold, so so gorgeous and totally affordable. 

Do you buy make-up on e-bay?
I do not trust that stuff.

Do you like drug store make-up?
Yes, in my opinion you don't have to spend a fortune to get a good product.

Do you go to CCO's? (Cosmetic Company Outlets)
Yes, but not very often. Who doesn't love  a good  deal.

Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
I would love to! So far i am self taught and have taken a few tips from makeup artists, having lessons and becoming a professional would be my dream.

Are you clumsy in putting on make-up?
In general i am a clumsy person, but practice makes perfect.

Name a make-up crime that you hate?
Foundation lines!

Do you like colourful shades of make-up (lipstick, eye shadow) or neutral tones?
Neutral mostly, but i love a good play around.

Which celebrity always has great make-up?
I think Kylie Jenner is pretty iconic for her makeup with the whole kylie jenner lip and strong contour. Pretty much all  the kardashians. I also love Cara Delevigne's makeup and just her really. Oh, and of course Shay Mitchell how could i forget about her.

If you could leave the house with just ONE Make-up item, what would you use?
Eyebrows, because i have non.

Could you ever leave the house without any make-up on?
A month or  two a go the answer would have been HELL NO! But now i am starting to get the confidence up and have left the house a couple of times without makeup on. 

Do you think you look good even without any make-up on?
Not in the slightest.  

In your opinion, what is the BEST make-up line?
- Make up is self confidence applied to the face.
- A smile is the best makeup anyone can wear. 
- Money can't buy me happiness... But it can buy me makeup.

What do you think of Make-up?
Makeup is my confidence in a bottle. 

Thankyou so much for reading and i tag anyone reading this to give it a go!

Saturday 13 June 2015

You beauty unboxing

Hey there lovely, I hope your having a good day today! 
I always get really excited when opening something like this because it's like a mini Christmas or your birthday  and i just really want to know what is inside. Therefore i recent decided to give a beauty box a go and u wanted to try Ipsy, however they only ship to America and I am far from there. Consequently, I am on the hunt for the best British one for people like myself who cannot get their hands on beauty boxes like Ipsy. 

You beauty discovery is £6.49 a month and you get to choose 2 things from a short list of minis. Then they send you a couple of other products they think you may like. 

In this short list was a body butter, tanning things, a brush and Calvin Klein lipstick (which i really liked the look of but it was out off stock, just my luck) and various a different skin care bits and bobs.  

I chose:
Inka - organic pure primer, 
Amie - facial wash & matte moisteriser. 

They also added: 
Urban fruit - smashing straw berry snack,
Clipper - organic teas (red fruit & aronia berry and organic green tea),
Good to go anywhere -  wipes.

I haven't tried the products yet, but when I do I will let you know how I get on with them. Price wise this is a little cheaper than some of the other boxes but only by a couple of quid. On the other hand i thought there would be more beauty related gifts, however if you are into that sort of thing then try   this.  I'm not 100% sue if this was worth the money but that may have just been this month.

Thank you so, so much for reading and i hope to see you very soon!

Monday 8 June 2015

Summer spirit

Hey, hope your doing well!
I was sitting in the garden earlier and started to feel so much more summary (finally) and thought I would show you what I do to get in the summer spirit. Because if you live in the UK like me then you will know how hard it is to get in a summer mood when the weather doesn't want too. 

Things you need for a good old sunbath, either in the gorgeous garden or on the beautiful beach. 

Firstly you need a drink too stop you from getting dehydrated, I had peach iced tea which is such a summary drink that I love so much and everytime I have it, it just rinds me of summer in Spain.

My next essential is a book, if your not a book person then maybe try a magazine because it just really helps to relax you. Anyway, the one I am reading at the moment is the glam guide by fleur de force, I am addicted to this book it is amazing and I haven't read anything like it. I would really reccommend this!

Sun cream is essential because even though you want a beautiful bronze glow, you don't want to get wrinkles or look like a tomato! 

Similarly, sunglasses are a must, mine are just from a vintage shop for £10. 

Finally, headphones! If you want a nap whilst tanning or just want to relax, I feel that I cannot do that without a bit of music. Some songs I love for summer are:

Katie  Perry- California Girls
B.O.B- airplanes 
LMFAO- sexy and i know it
Carly Rae Jepson- Call me maybe
Flo rider- Whistle
Robin Thicke- Blurred lines
Daft Punk- get lucky
OMI- Cheerleader
MAGIC- rude

Okay, thankyou so much for reading myy post and i hope to see you very soon, gooood bye!

Sunday 7 June 2015

Royal Cornwall Show

Hey hope your having a good day!
So the other day i went to the royal Cornwall show with show friends which is a huge fair with loads of stalls and is a lot of fun. I took a load of pictures and thought i would share them with you.

Firstly we headed over to the fun fair, kind of like the traditional on with rides and games that you win prizes that sort of thing.

This is up on the Ferris wheel, it was such a squash that I wasn't even sitting on the seat just sitting on both their laps. 

This was on hook a duck, Emily won a little stress thing that she called Barry and i won a little teddy called Bernard.
There's nothing like a picture with a big  fluffy bear. That cheeky  bear decided to hit us strait in the face, what a lovely guy.

Then we gave the sheep a little visit, whenever we walked past they would try and eat our bags. Greedy guts.

It tried eating me! A little too close for comfort.

This little piggy got a bit confused me thinks. 
Just the same as last year we set our self the challenge of taking a selfie with a cow. We did it again even though everyone around thought we were completely mad. 

Some people think face paints are for kids, but in my opinion your never too old ;)

We got super cute pace paints done, mine is sort of festival style and Emily's was a dinasour that when she talks it looks like it talks too. 

Not forgetting about food, we got some lovely cheesy chips to share. 

The amount of freebies and stickers we got is insane! Even a pair of sunglasses, that sort of thing pleases me immensely!

Lastly there was this weird thing that is so hard to explain but you are basically attached to bungees that pull you back when you try and run forward it is hilarious. The picture above just shows the ditermination in Emily's face and char falling on the floor with laughter in the back ground.

Thankyou so much for reading my post it was a little random, not what I usually but I hope you still enjoyed it just the same. See you soon good bye!

Friday 5 June 2015

Rimmel skandle eyes eyeliner

So I bought the Rimmel Skandle eyes eyeliner not to long ago and I thoroughly enjoyed the product. Firstly, the name is a good play on words and I do love it when you buy something which is a play on words like lots of lippys or eye shadows. I actually got it in 004 blue and 003 purple to be a little bit different and I loved them. Also they can sometimes be more complimentary on the eyes than the usual black eyeliner. They  are easy and quick to apply like many other jel eyeliners but they  are also very smooth. I used them for a natural look so it looked like I wasn't wearing any eyeliner but gave a bit more definition to my eyes and am very happy with it.

I don't know the original price of these but they are drug store so i'm guessing not too pricey. When I went into town with my best friend Emily check out her blog ( Anyway we went into the pound store near us not  looking for much just too have a look. And we found the skandle eyes! we just went crazy! and I don't know why I told you that long story but I just thought I would let you know.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Rocking that red lip

Hey there, hope your day is going well! 
Today's post is on a classic red lip look that I love so much but hardly wear. I think it suits anyone and any skin time you can even change it up to suit you. I did a look on how to make blue eyes pop  and this is another great look for that but it also shouts brown eyes. So keep reading...

Products I used: 
Bell'apierre brow powder - Marrone
MUA lipstick - shade 13 
MUA lip liner - red drama
L'oreal superstar super liner 
Benefit - hoola bronzer 
MUA highlighter - iridescent gold
Maybelline mascara - the falsies 
Garnier bb cream - light
Collection eyes uncovered pallet

This look is such a classic simple look that I love so much. So I started off with Garnier bb cream as a base because I don't usually use a foundation but this look is a sleek chic look so your skin with bb cream looks flawless. Then I used my collection last perfect concealer as a highlighting concealer. Then went in with my hoola bronzer as a contour for an extremely sculpted look. I didn't use a blush for this because I have naturally blushed cheeks but if your a blush kinda gal I would go for the sleek life's a peach one because that is stunning. Finally I used my MUA highlighter on the tops of my cheekbones and this is awesome for the price.

Then into eyes this is a very simple look I used the collection pallet (which is an amazing dupe for makes basics) and just took white chocolate all over including my brow bone and inner corner then used brown sugar in my crease. Next I used the L'oreal liner just on my upper lash line and you can make as bigger wing as you want. Lastly, I used my maybelline mascara for a pretty dramatic lashes look I might have fine over board but I did a lot a lot of layers. 

Eyebrow wise, I went for a defined look and tried a brow powder by Bell'apierre that I got ages ago and forgot about, I really like this and think it looks natural yet you can create a beautiful look with it. It also doubles up as a liquid eyeliner if you add water, bonus! 

I made this look quite affordable but I will do a high end makeup look soon. I hope you enjoyed the post and see you soon, gooooood bye! 

Saturday 30 May 2015

May favourites

I thought i would do a little favourites post for you today as i have really enjoyed watching other peoples. There are some fashion faves some skin care  and different ones too so keep reading.

L'oreal super liner.
With this product i found that i can do a natural look or a really sleek flick. Similarly, it is a really intense black that stays it doesn't just fade after a while. I am a big felt tip lover and this one does not disappoint.

MUA lip liner - caramel nougat.
For a product so cheep i was not expecting to love it so much. I would definitely  recommend this to someone who is on a budget or is just starting out in makeup. I love the colour and have a little week spot for things with nice names.

Garnier oil control complete vanishing cream.
I know a very long and complicated name but essentially it is a moisturizer for normal to oily skin (which i am) and you apply it before makeup in the mornings and after  taking it off in the evening. I think this product is an angel because it makes my skin super matte and still really radiant. I didn't even know something this amazing existed. I would recommend giving it a go.

Black ripped jeans.
I  have been living in these over the past month or two. I think they are so stylish and grunge i just cannot get enough. Also they are high wasted which is a massive plus.

Topshop brown suede boots.
I gave the Topshop sale a little visit the other day and might have accidentally ended up leaving with a bag full of clothes and  a purse without any money, no idea how it happened. But what i do know is that i got these boots reduced from £90 to £40 so that is a plus.

Reece's Peanut butter chocolates!
Okay, so my sister is allergic to peanuts so i hardly ever get to have them or peanut butter but my friend Izzy introduced me to all of the Reece's different types of  peanut butter chocolates, and now i am inn love! I wish i had tried them sooner, my favourite is the peanut butter cups then the pieces. They are divine.

Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream.
As it is getting towards spring summer time i like to have ice cream to cool me down on a scorching hot day (not that we get many of those in England). Therefore, i have been having an old classic, Ben & jerry's, in particular cookie dough as that is   like heaven in an ice cream.

As always thank you so much for reading my post i hope you enjoyed it and have a fabulous day. See you soon, gooood  bye!