
Saturday 30 May 2015

May favourites

I thought i would do a little favourites post for you today as i have really enjoyed watching other peoples. There are some fashion faves some skin care  and different ones too so keep reading.

L'oreal super liner.
With this product i found that i can do a natural look or a really sleek flick. Similarly, it is a really intense black that stays it doesn't just fade after a while. I am a big felt tip lover and this one does not disappoint.

MUA lip liner - caramel nougat.
For a product so cheep i was not expecting to love it so much. I would definitely  recommend this to someone who is on a budget or is just starting out in makeup. I love the colour and have a little week spot for things with nice names.

Garnier oil control complete vanishing cream.
I know a very long and complicated name but essentially it is a moisturizer for normal to oily skin (which i am) and you apply it before makeup in the mornings and after  taking it off in the evening. I think this product is an angel because it makes my skin super matte and still really radiant. I didn't even know something this amazing existed. I would recommend giving it a go.

Black ripped jeans.
I  have been living in these over the past month or two. I think they are so stylish and grunge i just cannot get enough. Also they are high wasted which is a massive plus.

Topshop brown suede boots.
I gave the Topshop sale a little visit the other day and might have accidentally ended up leaving with a bag full of clothes and  a purse without any money, no idea how it happened. But what i do know is that i got these boots reduced from £90 to £40 so that is a plus.

Reece's Peanut butter chocolates!
Okay, so my sister is allergic to peanuts so i hardly ever get to have them or peanut butter but my friend Izzy introduced me to all of the Reece's different types of  peanut butter chocolates, and now i am inn love! I wish i had tried them sooner, my favourite is the peanut butter cups then the pieces. They are divine.

Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream.
As it is getting towards spring summer time i like to have ice cream to cool me down on a scorching hot day (not that we get many of those in England). Therefore, i have been having an old classic, Ben & jerry's, in particular cookie dough as that is   like heaven in an ice cream.

As always thank you so much for reading my post i hope you enjoyed it and have a fabulous day. See you soon, gooood  bye!

Thursday 28 May 2015

How to get bigger fuller lips

Hey there, i hope you day is treating you well.
So today's post is about getting bigger and fuller lips (as you read in the title duh). And there is more than one way to do this. I have tried all of these and some do work more than others but i will  let you decide.

1. brushing your lips with a tooth brush. This makes your lips really soft and smooth,  also it gets rid  of any excess skin so you don't get chapped lips when  your wearing your lip products. On the other hand, it bring blood flow to your lips and that helps to plump them up.

2. I'm sure you have all heard to the Kylie Jenner lip challenge. Well you basically do that but not quite as extreme, just enough so that they are a little plumper not looking like sausages. I would say do it for  10 secs and repeat 2 or three times.

3.This one is a DIY lip plumper all you need is cinnamon and some sort of lip solve or lip conditioner or chapstick  any you like and mix them together. Next you just rub this all over your lips and leave it on for as long as you want, the longer the bigger they will be. It does tingle and feel a little weird but that just means its working.

 4. Lastly this one is a makeup look to make them bigger. I started off by getting a nude lip liner mine is MUA and in the shade caramel nougat i just over draw my lips in the center and make sure then join back up in the outer corners. Then i took my Hoola  bronzer and put it under the center of my bottom lip to create a shadow. This makes it look as though your lips are hanging over your skin and creating a shadow. After that i got my MAC lipstick in patisserie and put that all over. Finally i got a gloss and that reflects the light off your lips creating the illusion of bigger fuller lips.

Okay so thank you for reading my post and maybe you could give some of these a try or even try all of them at the same time to get Kylie Jenner lips with having huge purple bruises around your mouth. I hope to see you soon, goooood bye!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Every cloud has a silver lining

Ever heard the saying 'every cloud has a silver lining' and thought well that's a load of bull? Well it is actually true.  I am not talking about it in a life changing way but more of a way that you think of yourself.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and not liked what you've seen? I know i have. It could be a big thing like thinking your fat or it could be little things that you don't like about yourself such as thinking  you have pointy ears.

Whatever it is it's what makes you, you! You might want to change things about  yourself and in some cases you can, for example if your getting bullied about your hair colour you can dye it. However, is that really what you want to do because if we changed everything we didn't like about ourselves then would  we really be our self anymore?

Instead off changing things how about we embrace them. In my case i have a big bum, it really annoys me because i do not suit anything low wasted. On the other hand it means that i really suit high wasted things and they make my figure look great. Another example is if you think your fat but you have a cracking pair of boobs. Then show those boobs off and let everyone know how amazing your boobs really are. (I wouldn't recommend whipping them out any where in public though).

If finding the silver lining on parts of you that you don't like doesn't work then try finding strong points all over and pick out things you like. You could say i don't like my legs but my eyebrows are on  fleek.

And if that still doesn't work then you could try seeing things from other peoples perspective. Using my self as an example again so i don't offend anyone, i don't like being pale but in some culture that is seen as goddess like and i don't like my freckles but some guys find freckles adorable. Sometime how you see your self is different to how others view you. You may think your fat when in actual fact no one even sees you as that.

So i hope some of these helped at least one person out there. I hate to think of people not liking themselves because you only get one body for the whole of your life you kinda have to learn to live with it in one way or another. I know  it is hard when you compare yourself to other people but next time you do don't forget to compare your strong points i bet you will trumps them in at least one thing. Stay strong, stay you and hope to see you soon.

Monday 25 May 2015

Flower Power

Today i went to a big house and gardens and there were sooo many gorgeous flowers i just had to take a couple of snaps. Who knew an iphone would have such a good camera, here are a few of them. Don't ask me what they are because i have no idea i just thought they looked pretty.

So thank you very much for reading (not really  much reading involved) my post today. I hope you have a great day and see you soon, goooood bye!

Sunday 24 May 2015

Life Goals

So when i say life goals i do not mean #relationshipgoals or #friendshipgoals but the real deal. My goals for the rest of my life so when i look back ion it when i'm old and grey (but still fabulous) i will think yeah i did that and i am satisfied with  life. Cheesy i know but this is the sort of thing i think about. What is the point in life? Okay maybe not that deep, but you get the jest.

1. love,
This is an obvious one but i think to die alone without the love of a partner (boy or girl) would be horrible. I do not need it for all of my life but at least at some point. However the love of my family is good enough for now. I see so many couples in the street and i just stop for a minute and  think awh that is what i want to be like. Then they see me staring at them and i awkwardly pretend i was looking at something behind them.

2. making a difference,
People always say when i die i want to be remembered and not die a nobody but that isn't why i want to make a difference. I am quite fortunate in my life and i want to help other people in theirs. This could be in so many different ways but somehow i want to help. It also makes you feel really good as well to know you have helped.

3.  job,
One of my huge fears in life is what is the point in working hard in education just to get a depressing job that you work even harder in and what is it all for? I would really want a job that i  could  either be really passionate about or again something that is helping someone or making a difference.

4. health,
I am sort of healthy at the moment but i am trying to get fitter and healthier and i hope i can succeed in that. Because when you are healthy you look good and you feel good, it helps with confidence and loads  of other things.

5. happiness,
Happiness is the ultimate goal and if i achieve all these things then i hope i will achieve happiness. And even if i do not achieve ll of these things as long as i m happy then everything will be okay.

Thankyou so, so much for reading it was  a little deeper than my usual  posts but if that wasn't your sort of thing then check out some of my other posts. Hope you have an amazing day, good bye.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Outfit Obsess

Today is a sunny spying day, not quite sunny enough to crack out the shorts but it's nice to wear something a little airier than usual. So this is the outfit i chose to wear.

Shirt - Primark 
Jeans - topshop 
Boots - Topshop

I love to wear a nice airy shirt especially one that has a different sort of pattern. Something that no one else will be wearing but you. 

The jeans are just big standard black high wasted blank jeans. However I live by them because they go with everything and I have worn them to death. 

Boots, boots, boots! These are a new purchase of mine down from £90 to £40 a proper bargain if you ask me. They have a slight heal but not too OTT. 

Thank you so much for reading hope you liked it, if so check out some of my others. See you soon!